Ankit Yadav a software developer with more than {5.3} years of software development experience and skilled in full-stack development with technologies like Nodejs, Express, GraphQL, React, Angular and have also made some mobile apps using react-native. I have also experience in Google Firebase(GCP). I like to take pictures and edit them, all the images used in the background are taken and edited by me.
Skill- Database
MongoDB, Mysql, Firestore and also have experience in mongoose, typeORM, Firestore, FCM Realtime Database, FCM Storage.
- App Devlopment
React-Native, Android and also have experience in typescript, axios, Material-UI (react-native-paper), react-native-firebase, crypto-js,, expo, react-native-vector-icons.
- API Devlopment
NodeJS, Express, GraphQL,, Google Firebase, Spring, Java and also have experience in winston, JWT, Nodemailer, axios, web-push, Multer, Busboy, Formidable, xlxs, apollo-server, apollo-server-express, bcryptjs.
- Testing
Jest, KarmaJS, JMeter and also have experience in faker.js.
- Web Devlopment
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSON, React, Angular, NextJs and also have experience in typescript, axios, Material-UI, redux (saga, thunk), CSS Bootstrap, tinymce-angular, moment,, apollo-client.
Web app for shop keepers to manage their customer and resources.
CRM(Customer, Resource Management) app using MERN stack
- Social Ape
Social media app where you can scream and like some screams.
Social Ape is using ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS and Firebase-admin-sdk
- Hello World
A app for creating a post, like and comment on the post.
Social app created on MERNG stack.
- Passwords
Passwords app is a simple app for saving password.
Android mobile app for keeping passwords, made with React-Native and Firebase
- CRM-admin
Admin panel for CRM web app.
Admin Panel for CRM(Customer, Resource Management), made on MERN
- Digital Clock
A simple digital clock made with ReactJS.
Here each digit is made with seven pixels which act as a component and have attributes of power and color.